A medication refill protocol for all patients has been implemented. The specific protocol is outlined below. All patients are requested to execute an acknowledgment that they have read the protocol and agree to its provisions.
All medication requests should be refilled 48 hours after the request has been received. As a general rule, the original prescription should include a one-month supply of the medication.
All medications are to be taken as prescribed. If a patient takes medication in excess of what is prescribed and runs out of the medication early (prior to refill date), the refill will not be authorized early. If the patient has any questions or problems with the medication, he or she should be directed to their primary care doctor.
In general, if a patient is already being treated by a pain management physician, all medications will need to be managed by the patient’s existing pain management specialist.
Medication issued by Atrium Medical physicians will be reviewed and responded by two business days per the guidelines below:
Controlled Substances – Controlled medications will require an office visit every 3 months. In between the above-mentioned office visits, the patient may make a monthly refill request over the phone or patient portal. Any change in the nature, dosage and/or frequency of the controlled medication will require an office visit. Chronic pain medications will require follow up visits to the pain management team for ongoing assessment.
Maintenance Medications – Follow-up every 6 months (such as for hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroid, cholesterol to name a few etc…) unless stated differently by the doctor.
Medication refill requests will be denied if requested prior to the expiration date of the original amount of the medication. If a patient is going on a vacation, business trip, etc., then an early renewal of the prescription depending on the medication may be authorized on a patient-by-patient basis.
Without advance written authorization from the doctor, a patient who has not been examined within the preceding 90 days and is requesting renewals of medication. These medication renewals will not be refilled.
In connection with certain medication, patients may be requested to have a blood test every three months to allow continued usage of some medications.
If a decision is made to deny a patient’s request for a telephone refill or patient portal refill request of a specific medication, the patient will be notified as soon as possible. In case of denial patient will be given 1-2 weeks supply until their next scheduled appointment.
Telephone calls for medication refill placed during business hours, Mondays thru Friday may not be followed-up until the next business day. Therefore, the patient needs to constantly monitor the amount of medications they have left and not wait until they are out of medication before calling for refills.