Covid Blood Test - Atriummednyc

Covid Blood Test

Covid Blood Test

Antibody tests for COVID19 are now available. We are recommending patients use one of the handful of FDA-endorsed tests, as opposed to the 100+ unauthorized tests that some practices in NYC are unfortunately trying to push on to their patients.

Schedule a tele-visit to consult an Atrium provider and get a script for the test. You can bring the script directly to a Quest or LabCorp location near you and get tested. Starting May 4th, we will also be accepting appointments for serological testing in-house at our midtown location.

Serological tests measure the amount of antibodies or proteins present in the blood when the body is responding to a specific infection, like COVID-19. In other words, the test detects the body’s immune response to the infection caused by the virus rather than detecting the virus itself.

The antibody test can determine if someone has been infected and recovered, whereas a molecular test – a “PCR” test that usually uses a nose or throat swab – shows whether that person was infected with the virus at the time the test was taken.

The results of these studies will allow CDC to estimate how many people have been infected nationally. The results will also provide information about the percentage of U.S. residents who have not had COVID-19 and are still at risk for infection. This research is designed to help understand who has been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and determine factors that confer protection against this virus.
Antibody testing is also important because people with the antibodies may qualify to donate blood that can be used to manufacture convalescent plasma, an experimental treatment for people who are seriously ill from COVID-19.
Check the CDC link below for the most updated testing information:
And schedule your appointment using the Booking link or call or email our office for details.

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